In Class
Work Due
Week 1
Introduction to the course, a little history, materials, supplies and facilities.
Please purchase an external hard drive for semester
In class portraits in groups. Bring Images to class 8/23.
Photo process in class through google sites and drive.
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Week 1
Project 1: Light and Shadow, Unconventional Angles and framing.
Type of cameras
Projectsprojectsassass_google drive work flow
Upload image
Explore basic photoshop
edit in .psd
Prep file for web vs print
start google sites
Homework new assignment
Go outside and try it out.
Mini - Assignment 01 - frame -Photoshop essentials/file types due.
Week 2
Create shared folder for each project
review 50 images
Lecture on camera controls - shutter speed, meter, aperture, ISO
Shutter speed
how long shutter/curtain is open (what is the shutter/curtain) - time in camera
shutter speed controls motion blur, low light exposure.
Fast vs slow
what does different shutter speed do to narrative
how much light comes into camera/ size of opening in lens - amount of light in lens
aperture control depth of field (focus depth)
wide open, closed
f-stop= focal length
different lens
what does different f stop do to narrative
ISO Sensitivity to light, using to be film now sensor. Sweet spot in digital noise vs less noise
Metering in camera scale help you balance exposure. where is it meter weighted
Try is it outside
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Week 2
Look a Artists
Continue camera control demo outside
Composition straggles (rule of thirds)
white balance
file type
look at artist
Composition straggles (rule of thirds)
Introduce advance assignment
portraits of place
Mini Assignment 02 - Camera Control
Week 3
Labor Day - Campus Closed
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Week 3
Critique Project 1 Light and Shadow, Unconventional Angles,framing, basic photoshop - Digital Form
Review Photoshop on project
Review of camera Control Demo
Demo Resolution - Camera Raw+Photoshop
Lecture Project 2 Portraits : Aperture and Depth of Field
Project1 DUE Light shadow/basic photoshop
In-class Mini Assignment
Camera Raw
Week 4
Project 2 Portraits In Progress
Implied narrative.
Shot diversity
Camera Raw/Aberration/
Photoshop for Portraits
-vignettes, blur, selective exposure, selection tools
Continue Digital portfolio construction
Mini Assignment
Camera Raw/aberration with implies narrative.
Week 4
Continue work on Project2.
Implied narrative
Shot diversity
Camera Raw/Aberration/
Photoshop for Portraits
-vignettes, blur, selective exposure, selection tools
Continue Digital portfolio construction
Artist of the week
In-class Mini Assignment
Portrait photoshop
Week 5
Introduce Project 3 - Objects of Life/ artificial Light
Start Studio Lighting demo
Artist of the week
Mini Assignment 04 - Studio Lighting.
Week 5
Critique: Project 2:Portraits of place/natural light/camera controls/raw image processing) - Critique digitally.
Start Studio Lighting demo
Mini Assignment 04 - Studio Lighting.
Project 2 Portraits: Due |
Week 6
Continue Studio Lighting demo.
Bring object into class to begin photographing
Continue work on mini assignment studio lighting
In class Mini Assignment due 04 - studio light
Week 6
Bring object into class to for studio light
Continue Project 3 - in class
Photo-comp mini assignment | |
Week 7
Lecture/Demo- Printing, Color Space,
Mini-assignment printing
In progress critique of Project 3 | |
Week 7
Continue Project 3 - in class
Print project 3 | |
Week 8
Critique 3: Objects Life (artificial light, studio light techniques)
Project 3 due printed form
Week 8
Mini Assignment 06 -Forced Perspective
Artist of the week
Mini Assignment 06 -Forced Perspective
Week 9
Erasure (digital composite)
Continue Mini Assignment Digital composite/montage
Work on digital portfolios
| Mini Assignment 06 -Forced Perspective |
Week 9
Introduce Project 4: Appropriation: Altered Histories and
Continue work on Project 4.
Artist of the week
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Week 10
Continue work on Project 4.
Artist of the week
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Week 10
Continue printing project 4
In progress critique for Project 4
Draft of digital portfolio due
Week 11
Continue printing project 4
In progress critique for Project 4
In progress critique for Project 4
Week 11
Critique Project 4 : Appropriation: Altered Histories and
Lecture/Demo- Abstract/Digital Cubism/Forced Perspective
Introduce Project 005 - Abstract/Digital/Cubism
Mini assignment -06 - Abstract/Digital/Cubism
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11- 06
Week 12
Continue work on digital portfolios
Continues work on Mini assignment 06 - duration/action
In class Mini assignment 06 - Forced Perspective/digital Duplication due
11- 08
Week 12
Critique Project 5 - Forced Perspective/digital Duplication due
Project 5 due Abstract/Digital/Cubism due
Week 13
Lecture/Demo- Photo series/narrative
Introduce Project 6 Photo series/narrative
Mini Assignment 07 - Implied Narrative
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Week 13
Continue Mini Assignment 07 -
Continue work on project 6
Artist of the week
Mini Assignment 07- due
Week 14
Continue work on Project 6
Start Printing Project 6
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Week 14
Continue work on project 6
In progress Critique for project 6.
Start Printing Project 6
Artist of the week
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Week 15
Continue work on project 6
Printing Project 006
Artist of the week
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Week 15
Critique of Printed Project 6
Project 6 series/narrative due
Week 16
Continue work on final portfolio.
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Week 16
CRITIQUE FINAL Digital Portfolio
FINAL Digital Portfolio is due